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Skills and leadership for a digital future

Stellar Capacity is an education company focusing on developing digital skills and future-oriented leadership for individuals as well as organizations. The blend of expert faculty, change leadership, partnerships, and highly-specialized content in our programs make Stellar Capacity programs an unparalleled learning experience, and a leading choice among companies and individuals seeking to drive organizational change and success. 


We provide practical, actionable insights for digital transformation and beyond. Wherever you are in your transformation journey, Stellar Capacity can help you reach the next level.

Stellar Executive Program

Build essential skills for driving business model transformation and learn how to lead more efficiently in a digital world. Create a profound impact by shaping a culture of digital growth and innovation in your organization.

Upcoming programs:

Summer 2024 (in English): 11-14 June 

Fall 2024 (in Swedish): 22-23 October, 12-13 November

Generative AI Bootcamp

Unlock the game-changing potential of Generative AI with our intensive bootcamp!

During our bootcamp, you'll progress from foundational knowledge to hands-on experience, mastering key techniques like prompt engineering and leveraging practical tools such as Chat GPT and Midjourney. You'll learn how to harness the potential of these tools to solve complex problems, streamline workflows, and optimize your everyday work!

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Future Foresight Program

Navigating Uncertainty with Confidence

In today's fast-paced, ever-evolving business landscape, the ability to anticipate the future is indispensable for visionary leaders. The Future Foresight program provides you with the foresight and strategic perspective to identify emerging trends and opportunities on the horizon.

Our faculty are world-leading business thinkers

Our faculty are our greatest asset, combining excellence in both research and teaching, and supporting Stellar's reputation as a leader in education for the digital world.

Will you join our distinguished alumni?
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Insights from Stellar Faculty

Our faculty provide fresh insights and cutting-edge research, leading the way in creativity and innovation.

Contact us

Join one of our interdisciplinary programs to develop the leadership and management skills you need for the future. 

Do you have any questions?
Contact us below and our team will get in touch shortly!
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